Bereavement Support and Tackling Social Isolation
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People often experience grief when they lose something or someone important to them. If these feelings are affecting your life, there are things you can try that may help. It is perfectly normal to feel lonely following the loss of a loved one, but it is important to know that help is available should you need it. Don’t suffer in silence. Discover what support is available on our website.
Bereavement Support:
- Cruise Bereavement Care – 0808 808 1677 or online
- Sheffield Talking Therapies self-help resources – call 0114 226 4380 or online
Tackling Social Isolation:
Here are some ways in which you can tackle social isolation.
- Reconnect with family and friends with whom you may have lost contact.
- Make new connections through common interests or new interests, join a group & find comfort in peer support.
- Develop a new skill such as a new language or photography (for ideas see 14 FREE ways to learn something new at home or 101 New Skills to Learn Starting Today)
- Explore a creative interest such as painting, cookery (for ideas online), woodwork or a craft (for ideas online)
- Take up a sport: swimming, bowling, walking, dancing or even rock climbing (see Sheffield The Outdoor City)
- Start a new hobby such as gardening, getting outdoors or looking after animals. Find places to volunteer or Green Estate
- Start an evening or online course (for ideas see Future Learn)
- Learn about local history: Picture Sheffield, Sheffield Local Area History & Manor Lodge
- Want to be part of a new group? Find out more info below.
Meetup online
U3A (University of the 3rd Age) online
Age UK Sheffield online
Sheffield Directory online